

The research activity is devoted to evaluate the environmental persistence of xenobiotics and to their removal from water and solid matrices thorugh the application of advanced oxidation processes.

The research group coordinated by Prof. Andreozzi gained a long experience in the application of processes such as O3/UV, O3/H2O2, H2O2/UV, PhotoFenton e Photocatalysis to the treatment of water, wastewater and solid matrices.

During the last years the activity has been mainly dedicated to:

1. The study of the environmental persistence of selected xenobiotics;

2. The application of some AOP techniques to the removal of drugs from sewage treatment plant effluents and natural water, of chlorinated substances from contaminated ground water and to the treatment olive oil mill wastewater and of organic species from solid matrices;

3. The study of the removal of organic substances from water by means of the system H2O2/goethite;

4. The energy recovery during the treatment of contaminated wastewater.

Here, please find some recent results on “new photocatalytic applications“.

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