Master Degree
LM-22 Chemical Engineering
Curricula: Teaching Plan
Chemical, Materials and Industrial Production Engineering - DICMAPI
Giovanni Ianniruberto
Master's degree
LM-22 Chemical Engineering
Curricula: Didactic regulation
Ingegneria Chimica, dei Materiali e della Produzione Industriale - DICMAPI
Prof. Giovanni Ianniruberto
L-9 Ingegneria Industriale
Piano Didattico
Ingegneria Chimica, dei Materiali e della Produzione Industriale - DICMAPI
Giovanni Ianniruberto
Chemical engineering is a branch of engineering that, building on a solid understanding of mathematics common to all engineers, uses the principles of chemistry, physics, biology, and economics to design, construct, and manage processes to transform matter and energy into useful products and forms for humans.
The work of chemical engineers can range from the use of molecular-scale technologies to large-scale industrial processes.
Chemical engineering is multidisciplinary and creative, recognizable in many everyday products, such as
– Cleaners
– Foods
– Fuels
We think of a good cup of coffee, made at home with the legendary Moka.
Few of you think of it as a miniature chemical plant. But that’s exactly what is it!
In the small boiler resting on the stove, water heats up and, having reached the right temperature, partly vaporizes. Propelled by the steam, the water passes through the filter full of ground coffee, and extracts the flavours. The final gurgle indicates the release of the remaining steam when the coffee is ready.
So here is our little chemical plant: boiler, solid-liquid extractor, collection tank. A plant with its own safety systems, its own energy sources to manage, and its own waste products to dispose of properly.
To design such an object, it is necessary to understand the various aspects of the process: heat transport, pressurized water vaporization, the kinetics of aromatic substance extraction, and the mechanical properties of the materials of construction.
The chemical engineer finds solutions to complex problems: what raw materials to use? at which pressure and temperature work? How big should the reactor be? How much does it consume and how much does it cost? And so on …
In short, a chemical engineer describes with the language of mathematics, physics, and chemistry the complex processes of transformation of matter and energy.
and, with the help of these tools, he designs and builds objects, sometimes very simple in operation, sometimes very complex, such as large industrial plants, which he manages and maintains to ensure their productivity and functionality over time, in a sustainable way.
The degree program provides the necessary knowledge, first through basic disciplines, then with courses common to all industrial engineering, and finally with those characteristic of the chemical engineer.
Education includes a three-year bachelor’s degree program that provides direct access to the Master’s Degree in Chemical Engineering, which is organized on three tracks, Process Engineering, Product Engineering, and Sustainable Engineering (the last two in English).
The bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering also provides direct access to the master’s degree in industrial Bioengineering.
The natural career outlet is the process industry, from sustainable energy production to the chemical, pharmaceutical, cosmetics, agribusiness, and manufacturing industries.
The chemical engineer is a highly qualified professional, able to work in an international context, at the forefront of both manufacturing and scientific, academic, and industrial research, but also a protagonist in fields far beyond the traditional ones.
The School of Chemical Engineering at Federico II is one of the most prestigious in Italy and the World for the excellent quality of scientific research and training.
Our graduates are in high demand, and they receive job offers even before completing their studies, and find their first employment in the first months after graduation.
After this brief introduction to chemical engineering, we refer you to the website for all information about the degree program.
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